Tag: andrew huberman

  • How to dry after ice bath: Neuroscientist advice

    How to dry after ice bath: Neuroscientist advice

    Cold water therapy fanatics are always looking for tips and tricks to make their practice more effective. This includes whether it’s making reusable ice or discovering the best time to have an ice bath. We can make many small changes to promote the benefits of cold water therapy that extra bit greater! If you’ve heard…

  • How many ice baths a week? Neuroscientist advice

    How many ice baths a week? Neuroscientist advice

    Cold water exposure has been gaining some serious traction as more and more people plunge into the cold to reap some of the powerful benefits that it can bring. Some people will be wondering how many ice baths a week should be taken to maximise benefits for optimum health, this post aims to answer exactly…

  • Discover Andrew Huberman’s NSDR to relax now

    Discover Andrew Huberman’s NSDR to relax now

    A lot of us struggle to relax in the modern world, this may be due to chronic stress, anxiety, overworking, or a combination of them all. Andrew Huberman’s NSDR could be an effective way to practice conscious body relaxation to give yourself the rest you deserve and most likely need. In this post we’re going…