Tag: exercise

  • Wim Hof breathing through mouth or nose: How to

    Wim Hof breathing through mouth or nose: How to

    The Wim Hof breathing method has been gaining serious popularity lately, for its claimed mental and physical benefits. It’s a well-known practice amongst those who practice cold water therapy. For those looking to maximise the benefits and efficiency of breathing, you may wonder whether to breathe through your mouth or nose during the Wim Hof…

  • Should you breathe through your nose when exercising? Better performance now

    Should you breathe through your nose when exercising? Better performance now

    Nasal breathing has a whole host of general benefits, from improved sleep and cognitive function to reducing stress and anxiety. This post aims to answer the question should you breathe through your nose when exercising? Most athletes tend to breathe through their mouths when exercising, missing out on consciously inhaling and exhaling through their noses.…

  • Why does exercise reduce stress? How to stay happy

    Why does exercise reduce stress? How to stay happy

    Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your overall mood. In this post, we will discuss the science behind the answers on why does exercise reduce stress, and we will offer some tips on how to get started. Stress is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to control you. Why…