Creating a resilient body & mind

  • Combative sport stress management: Fight for a happier life

    Combative sport stress management: Fight for a happier life

    Combative sports are great for many things and can strengthen us mentally and physically. One powerful benefit I believe combat sports can bring to our lives is stress relief, through the development of our mind and body. There are so many reasons why practicing a combative sport or martial arts is good for your mental…

  • David Goggins mental aid station: What we can learn

    David Goggins mental aid station: What we can learn

    Our lives today can be seriously fast-paced. A hyperconnected world with a constant flux of information is enough to make some of us feel stressed and anxious. David Goggins mental aid station isn’t a widely known concept, but it’s been garnering some questions since being mentioned on the Joe Rogan Podcast. Read on to have…

  • Wim Hof breathing through mouth or nose: How to

    Wim Hof breathing through mouth or nose: How to

    The Wim Hof breathing method has been gaining serious popularity lately, for its claimed mental and physical benefits. It’s a well-known practice amongst those who practice cold water therapy. For those looking to maximise the benefits and efficiency of breathing, you may wonder whether to breathe through your mouth or nose during the Wim Hof…

  • Can you use bromine tablets for ice bath?

    Can you use bromine tablets for ice bath?

    Keeping on top of ice bath cleaning and maintenance is vital for managing bacteria and grime build-up. This lowers the risk of skin irritation and infection from dirty water. We know bromine tablets can be useful to keep hot tubs clean, but can you use bromine tablets for ice bath? Read on to understand what…

  • How often to change water in ice bath

    How often to change water in ice bath

    With more people experimenting with cold water exposure, a common question is how often to change water in ice bath. Water hygiene is important to prevent the build-up of contaminants that can cause skin irritation and infections. Proper maintenance and cleaning practices will prevent dirt from building up and also slow down corrosion, keeping your…

  • Microplastics detox: Clean your body of plastic toxins now

    Microplastics detox: Clean your body of plastic toxins now

    We live in a world where plastic is everywhere, its cost effectiveness has made it a preferred choice to create most things. In recent years awareness of the impact of plastic has grown. As plastic continues to degrade in our land and oceans, we need to educate ourselves on the harm that microplastics can bring.…

  • Does aspartame lower testosterone? Protect male fertility now

    Does aspartame lower testosterone? Protect male fertility now

    Men’s testosterone levels are historically at an all-time low, partly due to how common sedentary lifestyles are in the modern world, and also rising levels of obesity. There are so many variables that can impact testosterone, including diet. In today’s post we’ll be looking at the popular artificial sweetener aspartame and look to answer the…

  • What’s the best time to have an ice bath?

    What’s the best time to have an ice bath?

    With the growing popularity of cold water therapy, an increasingly common query among ice bath beginners is what the best time to have an ice bath is. This post will delve into the potential benefits of cold water therapy during certain parts of the day. We’ll also look at the impact of cold-water exposure before…

  • How many ice baths a week? Neuroscientist advice

    How many ice baths a week? Neuroscientist advice

    Cold water exposure has been gaining some serious traction as more and more people plunge into the cold to reap some of the powerful benefits that it can bring. Some people will be wondering how many ice baths a week should be taken to maximise benefits for optimum health, this post aims to answer exactly…

  • What is brown fat in the body?

    What is brown fat in the body?

    The subject of brown fat has grown in popularity, partly due to the recent increase in people using cold water therapy. This post will look to answer in a simple format, the question of what is brown fat in the body. We will also cover the function of brown fat and the different ways we…

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