Tag: stress

  • Power poses for confidence: Boost testosterone and reduce stress now

    Power poses for confidence: Boost testosterone and reduce stress now

    Power poses can be a simple way to reduce stress, boost confidence and even increase testosterone. In this article we’ll be going over power poses for confidence, and how they can impact your mood in a matter of minutes. Do you ever feel like your confidence could use a boost? Most of us can struggle…

  • How does posture affect stress? Protect your  health now

    How does posture affect stress? Protect your health now

    Whether it’s sitting down slouching forward, staring at the ground, or leaning to one side for hours. Poor posture can take many forms, and have some serious negative impacts on the quality of your life. This post will look to answer the question of how does posture affect stress? Within this post, we will be…

  • Should you breathe through your nose when exercising? Better performance now

    Should you breathe through your nose when exercising? Better performance now

    Nasal breathing has a whole host of general benefits, from improved sleep and cognitive function to reducing stress and anxiety. This post aims to answer the question should you breathe through your nose when exercising? Most athletes tend to breathe through their mouths when exercising, missing out on consciously inhaling and exhaling through their noses.…

  • Does coffee make stress worse? How caffeine can induce anxiety

    Does coffee make stress worse? How caffeine can induce anxiety

    Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, enjoyed by people of all ages. Some may use it as a tool to work harder or power through sleep deprivation. But have you ever wondered about the negative effects of caffeine on the body? In this post we will be answering the question…

  • Does gratitude reduce stress? Practice this stress hack now

    Does gratitude reduce stress? Practice this stress hack now

    Do you ever feel like you’re constantly stressed out? Is there too much on your plate and you can never catch a break? If so, you’re not alone. Stress is a common problem in today’s world. You’ve probably come here wondering does gratitude reduce stress. Well, there’s good news! One of the most effective ways…

  • Why does exercise reduce stress? How to stay happy

    Why does exercise reduce stress? How to stay happy

    Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your overall mood. In this post, we will discuss the science behind the answers on why does exercise reduce stress, and we will offer some tips on how to get started. Stress is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to control you. Why…

  • Is nasal breathing better? Learn more about this life hack

    Is nasal breathing better? Learn more about this life hack

    Have you ever asked yourself, “Is nasal breathing better than mouth breathing?” If so, you’re not alone. Many people are curious about the benefits of nasal breathing and for good reason. A growing body of research suggests that nasal breathing is better for your health than mouth breathing. For example, nasal breathing can help to…

  • Good vs Bad Stress: The big difference!

    Good vs Bad Stress: The big difference!

    Stress is a natural part of being human, it is simply a response to the challenges and changes we face in life. It is our responsibility to understand good vs bad stress and how we can manage bad stress. By doing so, we can drastically increase the quality of our life and become the best…